Wednesday, February 4, 2009

il blog di maddy- la scuola

Maddy also dictated three things that might surprise you about school at Pizzano, one thing she'd like to bring home and one she'll be glad to leave behind:

You go to school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for 8 hours, while on Tuesday and Friday you go to school for four hours. And in many other schools across the country, you go to school on Saturday, too (I'm glad we don't).
I'm glad there are half-days, because I have the time to do my homework. I have a bunch of homework, seeing that some of my subjects I do twice a week or three times.

You cannot bring a school lunch, but you have to bring a mid-morning snack for each day. For lunch instead of bringing a lunch we either get to stay at school and eat school lunch, or go home. I stay at school with most of the people from my class. (The people who unfortunately go home for lunch and get sick at home, leave all of their school supplies at school) For school lunch we have first course and second course. First course is a pasta or rice usually, and second course contains a meat and a vegetable. Most of the food is really good, but egg and spinach lasagne is not always appetizing. For merenda, alot of kids bring crackers, biscotti, or candy with a juice box, even pizza. I often bring a small sandwich or homemade cookies, once or twice I brought pizza.

There are three teachers for two or three grades. my three teachers teach fifth grade and first grade, while Gus' three teachers teach second grade, and some of third and some of fourth grades. I take Italiano, English, Math, Geography, History, Science, Music, History of Music, and Geometry. Geometry here is not just working with shapes, it's also adding and subtracting weights and other measurements. It's kind of like having two maths. And the English here is British English, so I'm not quite sure if English is my favourite subject.

I really like the school supplies and agendas they have because you are responsible for your own things. And it's nice to be able to keep track of your homework. The pencil cases here can be expensive, but that's because all of the markers and colored pencils and pens come in them (they open like a book).

I will gladly leave behind the expected homework and the periodic tests. You know that there's going to be a lot of homework right before a test, leaving less time to study. But, since I am not from Italy and I am going back to America next year, I do not have to pass any test whatsoever. I try to pass my tests, but I try not to feel bad if I don't.

photos: Maddy doing homework, the astucci (pencil cases), a grade from school


  1. WOW, maddy!
    I don't think u worked THIS hard at New city, ever.
    Good job!

  2. i don't think so either, seeing as i'm learning an other language at the same time. che fatico!
    maddy, world explorer
