Thursday, September 25, 2008

sei ragioni

Six reasons we are feeling lucky and glad we chose to live in a small town this year:

6. the post office worker asks us how our temporary residency applications are going when we go in to buy stamps
5. the gelateria (icecream stand) owner knows I'm lactose intolerant and gets the sorbetto ready when she sees me coming
4. we get our milk fresh from a farm stand
3. when movies come to town everyone goes- the kids all sit up front and the grown ups sit behind
2. the girl's volleyball coach made sure to come and inquire about Maddys plans, hoping they included his team
1. the local produce vendors always slip a special bonus in with your fruit and veggies- a lemon, or a pair of carrots and celery for the evening's soup, once I was required to share a banana and chat in order to complete our transaction


  1. I love this one! (well, all of them, really) What's the picture of? What's the little window between Gus and the milk bottle for?


  2. It's an automatic milk machine- the local organic dairy farm fills up the machine and then we buy direct from the farmer- it's never closed, it costs a euro per liter which is less than milk from the store, and more profit goes to the farmer. It's popular here and sometimes there's a line. If you didn't bring your own jug, you can buy a nice re-usable glass or plastic one from the vending machine right next to the milk machine :)
