Monday, September 15, 2008


Maddy and Gus had their first day of school today, and thanks to a bus-driver strike we were both able to see them off. They both said they felt welcomed and had a good day. Maddy had volleyball practice this evening and Gus starts basketball tomorrow. I guess we're off and running. We had a prosecco toast to the official commencement of our goals for the family: learn Italian, make friends, and have fun! 

PS: Two signs that it was a good day at school- Maddy says she has 7 new friends and Gus is already correcting my Italian


  1. Congrats on the first day of school for the kids (and the parents too!) It is so amazing that you guys are doing this for a year! I don't think we would be able to! What an opportunity for all of you!

  2. "I am going on two field trips. Tomorrow is one and then next Tuesday. I am going to Bethlehem, that's my school.
    I just started playing handy manny on the computer today.
    My new sister can crawl now."

    lav malcolm
