Saturday, October 4, 2008

il blog di maddy- scimmia

Hi, I like trees. here there are lots of  'em.  Big trees,small trees, huge trees,tiny trees,brown trees, black trees,greenish trees,gray trees,even...purple trees!(just kidding.) any how, they've also got perfect trees, that is for climbing.  Yes, I've been climbing lots of trees.  Here are pictures.P
My mom made me write something about school, so here it is: 
It's very fun, all of the girls are friendly.  Even though I can't talk to them, people talk to me a lot and they ask me to do things, for example I went to a birthday party and to the movies.  The birthday party was really fun- that's where I was called 'scimmia' for the first time, which brings us back to our topic: trees!  I climbed a tree and they called me 'scimmia,' which means 'monkey'. 

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