Tuesday, January 13, 2009

katy sta con noi!

The 5 of us were finally reunited for 12 short days. Highlights of Katy’s stay included: hearing all about new friends and classes at Beloit, a snowstorm that left our car (and both of our neighbors’) stranded at the bottom of the hill, walks on the top of the hills to soak in the glorious view, a couple of trips into Bologna (one to see the sights, one to shop the mercato and saldi (January sales)), plenty of time in the shower (mostly to get a wireless signal), celebrating la befana (when a which comes in the night between January 5th and 6th and brings candy to the bambini buoni (good kids) and coal to the bambini cattivi (bad ones)- when our kids tasted their coal, they discovered it was black licorice-flavored candy, good news! You can see la befana on a cake in the photos), a trip to Florence with sunny weather and relative warmth (and wait of only about 15 min to get into the Uffizi, unheard-of!), and finally pizzas at our favorite local pizzeria.
  1. katy arrives safely
  2. on the way up the Tower in Bologna, cold noses and toes
  3. katy maddy gus on top of the tower (only 500-some steps)
  4. view of Bologna from tower
  5. la befana on cake in window at Gamberini (best bakery in BO)
  6. katy finds best wifi signal in shower
  7. katy decked-out in mercato purchases
  8. view of our winter wonderland from neighboring hill
  9. katy maddy gus at the mercato La Borsa at the porcelino in Firenze
  10. maddy orders everyone's gelato in Firenze
  11. katy's gelato
  12. the arno, taken from behind the Uffizi
  13. all of us at Capriccio


  1. Hey guys! this is iva here, looks like ya all are having fun! I wish i could pack myself up and send me to you.....

  2. we will carefully inspect all the packages that come our way to see if you are in there- if so we will get you a nice, refreshing gelato since you will be hungry and thirsty from the trip!
