Tuesday, December 23, 2008

natale a scuola

Christmas here is an event that school fully supports (despite the presence of non-christians in the school). Maddy and Gus participated in the school-wide Christmas program where the students sang Christmas songs (usually American classics, but translated into Italian) at the Monterenzio theater (full house) and church in Mercatale (the next town up towards Bologna).
A few weeks back, Gus' teacher asked me on a whim if Gus would like to sing a solo in the program, in fact maybe Maddy, too. After I said, 'sure, maybe,' I heard exactly one thing in the way of follow up- a week ago the same teacher shouted after me, 'I hope you're practicing!' It was a surprise to me when we arrived for the program and the second number was announced, '...including two soloists who's native language is English.' The music instructor paired an adult from her community choir with them. I caught it all on video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZGN6RxisFo If you listen carefully, you can hear my Russian friend's surprise (mostly expressed in Italian) at seeing Maddy and Gus front and center.

Here you see Maddy and Gus ready in their red shirts and santa hats, and then on stage at the program.

From the kids' class Christmas party there are pictures of Gus' class and Maddy and her friend Andra eating traditional pandoro, as well as a short video clip of Gus and his class singing some of 'Here comes Santa Claus,' in italian- Gus is the one bouncing in the back...

Auguri di Buon Natale!!!

1 comment:

  1. A merry, merry Christmas to you all out there in Italia! Loved the video on youtube. Thanks for the Christmas cheer.
