on a looong weekend we went to France. we spent our time in France with the Kerners. Sophie (who is an excellent cook) cooked rabbit on the first night we stayed. and believe me it actually tasted like chicken no joke . here are some other pictures of us in Francia. in picture no. 1 is the family looking weird .
picture no. 2 is me (right) and Laura (left).
picture no. 3 is every one in the harbor in Can. wait, Cannes. picture no. 4 is my mom, with Austin Powers.
this is me, on the edge of mont Faron,over looking Toulon.
Sadly, our year here is coming to an end. We've learned lots of Italian and we've made many wonderful friends. We did just what we came to do, but not too surprisingly, it's not easy to leave our lives here in Monterenzio- we all feel a little torn between two happy homes. It's time to come home-home nonetheless. We arrive in Minneapolis just before July. Thanks to all of our family and friends for your moral support during this adventure year. We look forward to seeing you soon and catching up. baci, Tina Gibbs Maddy Gus
spending a year in Monterenzio, Italy (25 km SE of Bologna) 2 parents and 2 of 3 kids on a self-paid sabbatical. here to learn the language, live the culture & make friends.
Nice picture, Tina. How many fan girls did you have to bludgeon? Haha.
Miss you guys!
Not too many, I bet you didn't know I was Austin Powers' date to the Cannes film festival.